Dear Friends in Christ,
PENTECOST 2020 – Come, Holy Spirit! Fall afresh on us.

Our gathering online today was more lament than celebration. Acts 2:1-21 offers up hope in the Spirit. A record number joined us and we paired up with prayer partners. With so much to pray for and act on in light of this week’s events in the US and 100K+ deaths in the US due to the pandemic, we are launching our second annual 50 Days of Prayer Initiative. Last year we set up a large prayer wall in the chapel lobby with prayer post-it notes. The Spirit acted to bring us closer to the realm of God as we connected with each other in deeper ways. We discerned our way forward as a church: joining the Vital Congregations Initiative, and adding to our numbers. This year we will be worshiping at home for most of the next 7 Sundays with the exception of Sunday, June 28 when the chapel celebrates 60 years with a drive-in worship service.
Beginning today, May 31, the day of Pentecost 2020 through July 19, 2020 the beloved community at Chapel by the Sea is committing to intentional prayer for very specific needs in our families, communities, nation, and world. You are invited to join us. Send me your prayer requests and I’ll post them on the Chapel’s prayer wall. Join me in Spirit each day as we pray through these 50 days. Keep your own prayer journal too. Let me know if you’d like weekly prayer prompts by email. Pray every day in every way! In thanksgiving let us count our blessings and joys as well as praying for the many concerns of living with COVID, ending racism, and learning to live in peace.
God deliver us from this time of trial as we seek your ways. Amen.
(for Zoom worship you will need the link – request the invitation link by emailing me)
Sunday, June 7 – Worship via Zoom 10:30 am with virtual Communion
(The communion guide is on our website or I can e/mail you one)
Sunday, June 14 – 10:30 am worship via Zoom
Sunday June 21 – Father’s Day – 10:30 am worship via Zoom
Sunday, June 28, 2020 – 10:30 am Drive-In Worship – 60th Anniversary Special
on site at Chapel by the Sea front/back parking lots-
We’ll be transmitting to your car radio.
Reserve your parking spot and we’ll send you the guidelines.
60 years strong and counting…
The 60th anniversary team has shelved the pre-Covid plans: no cake:( However, other exciting plans are moving forward with the establishment of a Legacy Fund. A letter from Session members will be in your mailbox in June sharing our vision. If you’d like to contribute financially you may do so by mail or online by going to our website and click the blue GIVING button at the top
Thank you for your faithfulness and generosity:
preserve heritage. serve God. love at all times
In the meantime our 60th anniversary team needs your stories and any photos or special remembrances from the past ten years. What does the Chapel mean to you?
Newest member, Connie Jones, has this to say,
In celebration of the Chapel’s 60th, the team is gathering photos and your memories/highlights of the past ten years for input to the Annual.
All info will be exciting reading for newcomers in our future. Can you imagine their reactions to the pandemic and impact on our lives? Please send photos, write-ups by June 15 to
Chapel by the Sea, PO Box 194, Pacific Beach, WA 98571 or RSVP to this email.
With anticipation,
CBTS Anniversary task force
In Christ’s Ministry
Pastor Linda
Manse land line 360.276.8143
Mailing address: P O Box 194, Pacific Beach, WA 98571
The Chapel is a member church of Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA) and by definition we are connectional.
Check online resources at and for live-streaming worship options within our presbytery and COVID info.
For Local Updates in Grays Harbor County on COVID-19 the call center line: 360.964.1850