Greetings from Chapel by the Sea and Eastertide blessings!

The session of Chapel by the Sea has suspended worship until further notice. On May 1, 2020 Governor Inslee extended our stay-at-home order until May 31. For now prayer and worship continue at home and over social media. 

Join us online over Zoom and offline praying for each other and loving our neighbor.

One of my spiritual disciplines is to go to the chapel every day at noon to pray for you and the world. It feels a little like the duties of an Old Testament priest in the temple without the animal sacrifices!  I open wide the doors, light the Christ candle and other candles and incense as I stand at the communion table to read from the daily lectionary and speak aloud the names of those for whom we pray. I do this not that I may be seen by others but it gladdens my heart when someone does stop by to visit, pray, or drop off tithes and offerings.

Today’s reading from Exodus 24:1-18 speaks to the social distancing we are experiencing in worship right now, Then he said to Moses, “Come up to the LORD, you and Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel, and worship at a distance”. During this time of social distancing we worship at a distance from each other and the chapel but we are not socially distant from God. God desires a relationship with us and God sent us a high priest, Jesus, the Great High Priest described in Hebrews 4:14-16, Since, then, we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast to our confession. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who in every respect has been tested as we are, yet without sin.  Let us therefore approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Eastertide – He is risen indeed!

PRAYER UPDATE… pray without ceasing… 1 Thessalonians 5:17

I pray you will take this pandemic time-out as an opportunity to draw closer to God, in devotion, prayer time, scripture reading and study.  We now have more time at home to practise our spiritual exercises more faithfully and more deliberately and we can make time to practise new ones.  As you pray each day please remember those on our chapel prayer list too:

Becky Gilbertson, Kim, Suzanne, Tara, Tavia, Terry & John Broten, Angelina,

Doug & Betty, Kristella, 

The Butler Family – daughter Lydia undergoing treatment for cancer

Bobbi Ray diagnosed with MS

Kristy Preheim healing from cancer

Jim Adkins in treatment for cancer.  Continued strength for Penny.

Jeff, son-in-law of Phyllis Shaughnessy.

Lee Marriott recovering from heart surgery

Joann DeGrasse recovering from a recent hospital stay

Hagar’s Community Church WCCW – no Covid19 cases – Praise God!

Aubrey Alexander who has recovered from the virus contracted in a nursing home.

The prayers of the righteous avail much and we give thanks to God for all answered prayer as well

Let me know how we can pray for you: drop me a line, email or call. 

Did you know that Jesus gave us a prayer for physical distancing – Matthew 6:6 

But whenever you pray, go into your room and shut the door… 

the Lord’s Prayer follows. Here is the ecumencal version.

Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come,

your will be done,

on earth as in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins

as we forgive those who sin against us.

Save us from the time of trial

and deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours

Now and for ever. Amen


While taking care of our physical and spiritual health is a priority during this public health crisis our financial health may be suffering too due to the economic crisis.  Chapel tithes and offerings are down but generous giving to our benevolence fund and food bank is up! Surprise blessings! The benevolence fund allows us to take care of those in emergency need in the community: car repairs, food, gas, and we do not exclude God’s creatures: a special donation will be made this month to a local animal shelter.  Thank you for your generosity!  We do not count only on our members we count many faithful and generous friends as partners in Christ’s ministry. Thank you. 

 We’re leaving the lights on! 

To celebrate Easter we put up Christmas lights to send a message of hope to the community that although the building is closed, the church is open in the name of Jesus Christ who is the Light of the World.

If you have not lost your income, and you still can, continue to give to the chapel. Online giving is available on our website and setting  up a recurring gift will help sustain our ministry in the months ahead.  If you have received your stimulus check from the government consider tithing portions of it to various non-profits, the chapel, and friends in need. Now Testament: an elder called today to offer such a stimulus tithe to the chapel. Thanks be to God!

Servant leaders lead by example and understand that giving is a vital part of a life of faith.  I am encouraged by your actions not only in giving, but also sharing and caring for one another, shopping for a neighbor, running errands, sewing masks, delivering meals, phone calls… these stories will require a chapter of its own in our 60th anniversary book.  

On Sunday May 3, 2020  at 10:30 am we will celebrate our first virtual communion.

Email me if you’d like to join in and I can send you the link and the home communion bulletin prepared for the occasion.

We are one in the Spirit, in Christ’s love,

Pastor Linda

Manse land line 360.276.8143

Mailing address:  P O Box 194, Pacific Beach, WA 98571

The Chapel is a member church of Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA) and by definition we are connectional.  Check online resources at and for live-streaming worship options within our presbytery  and COVID info. 

For Local Updates in Grays Harbor County on  COVID-19 the call center line: 360.964.1850 
